
Everyone has different smells they associate to Fall. Maybe it’s that first cooling, crisp and clean breathe of fresh air on a fall morning. For many in Lincoln, Nebraska, or Huskerville, this may be the smells of tailgating and yet others might go to more seasonal smells like apple cider and pumpkin spice. No matter what there are definitely different smells that we associate with the coming of fall. There are the smells of fall that also affect your comfort and how confident you can be in your homes heater.


Turning on the Furnace for the First Time


Just like turning on you air conditioner before outdoor temps get too hot, we advise you turn on your furnace before temperatures fall drastically. Although your furnace has been operating to provide the blower for your air conditioner all summer long, that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been an opportunity for dust to settle on the heating components. This is why the first time you turn on your furnace it is very common to experience a burning smell. This smell will make its way throughout your home as the furnace runs, but dissipate within a few hours. If the same burning odor persists, check your furnace filter as it may be time for a change. If the burning smell your furnace is producing doesn’t end or it has the odor of other suspicious smells it may be time to call a technician.


Concerning Smells


There are some odors that standout and when you smell them you instantly think trouble. If your furnace is producing one of the following smells it’s best to act quickly and turn the furnace off before further damage is caused. So what are these smells and what are they concerning?


Electrical Burning Smells


If you smell an electrical burning odor when your heater is running this should cause a red flag. No matter what the electronic, if you smell an electrical burning odor it’s not good news. Your furnace is no different. Quite often that electrical burning smell is a sign of an overheating blower motor. Although your furnace has safety limits, when working properly will shut down your furnace before major damage is done, the issue will undoubtedly affect your comfort. Restriction of airflow is a common source of an overworking blower motor. An the most common culprit for the issue? You guessed it… A clogged furnace filter. If replacing the furnace filter doesn’t resolve the issue, turn off the heat on your thermostat and contact a service technician to see what furnace repair is needed.


Other components such as a circuit board, fan motor or transformer commonly have a distinct odor when they fail. Many would classify the odor of these failures under an electrical burning smell as well.


Burning Plastic Smell


The smell of burning plastic from your air ducts could mean a plastic toy or a plastic part from the furnace or your whole-house humidifier has fallen into harm’s way. The fumes from burning plastics are not healthy to continue to breathe, and whatever the source could be doing damage to your heater. Shut off your furnace. If you cannot detect the reason for the odor a call your trust heating and air contractor to have a technician checkout the cause.


Preseason Furnace Check


Be confident your furnace is ready to keep your home warm all winter and have it thoroughly checked by a trained HVAC technician. Call a trusted company like Bryant Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical & Plumbing, they offer furnace checks along with annual maintenance plans to keep your system running at peak performance. Bryant uses the latest HVAC technology to ensure your gas burning furnace not only heats efficiently, but safely by checking the condition of the furnaces heat exchanger. Schedule your home heating check by calling 402-467-1111 or complete their contact form today.
