
Even the most responsible and organized individuals can find themselves locked out of their car. Although it can be one of the most frustrating situations you might experience, lockouts don’t have to ruin your day. Instead, follow the guide below to stay safe, and call a professional locksmith to quickly resolve the situation.

What Should You Do If You’re Locked out of the Car?

Make Sure You’re Somewhere Safe

When locked out of your vehicle, your first priority should always be your own safety. Quickly assess your surroundings and determine if you’re in a safe location. If the neighborhood is unfamiliar, it’s the middle of the night, or the weather is terrible, don’t hesitate to move to another location. You can wait for help to arrive in a safe place and return to your car once you know you can get back into it.

Call a Locksmith

locksmithOnce you’ve ensured your own safety, call a locksmith to help you out of this situation. These professionals know that lockouts happen at the most inopportune moments, so they should be available at all hours of the day or night. Plus, a locksmith has expert skills and specialized equipment to ensure you regain access to the vehicle with minimal damage. Attempting to break in yourself, on the other hand, can lead to expensive repairs later on. 

Get a Copy of the Key

After the situation has resolved, you’ll want to take steps to ensure you never have to worry about a lockout again. Consider having another key made to keep in a separate location. Whether you want to store the spare key at home, with a trusted individual, or in a lockbox on your car’s exterior, it will ensure you always have a way to gain access. Though you might need to ask a friend or family member to bring the key to your location, this can often be a more cost-effective and convenient solution.


Being locked out of your car is an upsetting experience that you most likely want to avoid. However, if you do experience this difficult situation, trust the experts at Enterprise Precision Locksmith. Located in Enterprise, AL, these locksmiths are available 24/7 to provide assistance for commercial and residential lock needs in Coffee County. Not only will they help you quickly regain access to your vehicle, but they can also have a replacement key made on site or program OEM car remotes. To learn more about their locksmith services, call them at (334) 347-5625 or learn more online.