
Although the discussion of mental health issues is becoming more widespread, social stigmas still prevent victims from seeing a psychologist. Of the approximately 18% of Americans who experience some sort of emotional problem every year, only half will seek treatment, leaving millions of Americans to experience anxiety, depression, or other life-altering disorders without the proper help. Below are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about mental health issues and those who live with them.

Frequent Misunderstandings About Mental Health Issues

1. Only Crazy People Need a Psychologist

Labeling those with mental illnesses as “crazy” is both deeply harmful and distressingly common. Someone who could benefit from the services of a quality therapist may decide against counseling, worried that their employer, neighbors, and others might view them differently if they found out. In fact, psychologists provide a wide range of services, helping people cope with anxiety, overcome depression, and deal with traumatic life events that often leave lifelong emotional wounds.

2. Mental Illness Is a Sign of Weakness

psychologistNo one would say that a broken arm or autoimmune condition is a sign of personal weakness, but sometimes that isn’t the case with mental health issues. For instance, many people seem to think that victims of depression should simply “cheer up” or pull themselves out of it if they wanted to. In fact, these conditions are best understood as physical illnesses, especially since many are related to underlying biological factors.

3. Mental Health Issues Make People Violent & Unpredictable

News media and popular entertainment unfortunately focus on individuals who carry out extreme acts of violence, but the overwhelming majority of people suffering from mental health problems are just like anyone else. Even schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses don’t necessarily predispose someone to violence.


Whether you’re struggling with depression or have suffered serious emotional trauma, Feinberg & Associates has the tools and expertise to help you overcome your mental health issues. Their team of board-certified psychologists and compassionate staff have been serving clients throughout Lexington, KY, and across Fayette County for over 25 years, creating individualized treatments to help a wide range of challenges. Visit their website for an overview of their counseling services, or call (859) 233-3390 to start getting the help you need.
