
Once winter arrives and the cooler weather begins, you might discover you have unwanted guests in your home. Stink bugs cannot tolerate cold weather and seek warmth during the winter months. Unfortunately, you may be the one to provide that warmth; these pests tend to seek out man-made shelters like your house, barn, or apartment. Before calling an exterminator, here’s what you should know about stink bugs and how to keep them out of your house.

What Are Stink Bugs?

Stink bugs are large—a half inch to 1 inch—oval, flying insects. They are often sluggish, slow-moving, and nearly as wide as they are long. Exterminators warn against slapping or smashing them; abdominal glands produce an odorous chemical that acts as a defense against predators. It produces a foul smell when they're squished and acts as a warning to other stink bugs that danger is near. In the winter, they enter homes and other human structures through gaps in windows, doors, and screens. They often remain inactive during the winter months, but you'll notice them clustering on windows and screens in spring as they try to return outdoors.

How Can You Control Stink Bugs?

exterminatorRemove any window air conditioners once the weather cools. Pest can access the house through the vents. Caulk all windows and patch any holes in window or door screens. Seal gaps under the doors with weatherstripping.

If you see a stink bug, capture it and flush it down the toilet. Don't touch it directly, as it will leave an odor on your hand; exterminators recommend you cover your hand with a plastic bag and trap it gently or knock it into an empty water bottle and cover quickly. Some people have had luck rubbing dryer sheets on their screens. The scent acts as a deterrent to stink bug entry. If you find multiple pests in one area, get out the vacuum, suck them up, and discard the bag outside. 


The suggestions above should help you keep stink bugs out of your house and get rid of them once they've entered. However, if you are experiencing a full-blown infestation, contact Moore Pest Control, the premier pest exterminator in Hughes Springs, TX. They've been serving businesses and residents throughout Cass County for more than 30 years and offer the fastest, most reliable pest control service in the region. Visit their website to view their service area, or call (903) 639-2884 to schedule a consultation.
