
40 million American adults grew up in homes where domestic violence was present. In these types of households, even children who don't witness the violence with their own eyes, or aren't abused firsthand, are very much aware such abuse is taking place; this can result in profound psychological trauma. If you are a parent trapped in an abusive relationship, you need to take extra steps to ensure the health and safety of the kids; below are a few ways to do this.

Show Your Support

Don't ignore the issue and pretend that domestic violence isn't happening. When it is safe to do so, sit down with your kids and acknowledge out loud how hard this is for all of you. Reiterate to them—over and over, if necessary—that they are in no way responsible or to blame for what has happened. Encourage them to share their feelings, even if those feelings make you uncomfortable; tell them you love them; and affirm that domestic violence is never, ever acceptable.

Make a Plan

The best thing you can do for the kids it to make a plan that gets all of you out of the situation as safely as possible. This can be easier said than done, but start taking small steps as soon as it is feasible. A plan might include arranging a place for you to stay after leaving home; confiding in trusted family or friends who can offer helpful, nonjudgmental assistance; and setting aside some money to help you get back on firmer footing.

Consult Professionals

domestic violenceAn attorney will be one of your biggest allies in helping your kids escape domestic violence. Obtaining a restraining order, for instance, can go a long way in keeping children—and yourself—protected. A lawyer will handle the paperwork for you and guide you to local resources that provide specific assistance. Finding your children professional psychological support is also a wise idea; a helpful professional like a therapist or a school counselor will introduce kids to strategies for coping with the changes and challenges they're facing.


If you're involved in a domestic violence situation, let Attorney David S. Washington Jr. help you explore the available legal options. In addition to domestic abuse cases, he represents Hamilton County, Ohio, residents accused of criminal law infractions, including drug charges and OVIs. Call (513) 751-1400 or visit him online to set up a confidential consultation today.
