
Whether you’re a fan of the iPad®, iPhone®, or MacBook®, Apple® products are some of the most popular and easy-to-use devices available today. When you use one or more of these machines daily, it can be irritating if they seem to always be running out of power relatively quickly. Here’s a guide to how to get the most out of your charge. 

A Guide to Boosting the Battery Life of Apple Products

Lower Your Brightness

One of the biggest drains on the battery of any Apple product is the brightness. Because each device comes with this setting on default, not everyone knows that you can easily adjust the screen to be just a little less illuminated. Making the change may even help you sleep better since the softer glow won’t be signaling to your brain that it’s daytime. 

Close Apps

apple productA good battery-saving practice to start is closing any apps once you’re done using them. You actually need to swipe upward to close an app like Google Maps® or Spotify®. Otherwise, even if you’re not using it, the app is still running in the background, sapping your device of energy. 

Limit Wi-Fi

As helpful as it can be to get on the local Wi-Fi, having your iPhone or other Apple device always searching for a connection is another major source of battery depletion. Instead of just leaving it on, it’s a better practice to start being a little more selective. If you enter a space where you know you’ll be using an app for a while, turn on the Wi-Fi, but if your phone will be stowed in your pocket for a few hours, try to turn it off. 


If the battery of your Apple product is draining rapidly, it’s time to bring it to a repair expert. Whether you need a computer repair or an iPhone upgrade, the talented professionals at Experimac Canton OH will help restore your device to top performance. You can schedule an appointment at their Canton, OH, store by calling (330) 409-7005 or sending a message through their website
