
A cancer diagnosis is stressful for patients of all ages. Health care professionals strive to provide better, more inclusive, treatment for this complicated disease. Integrative cancer treatment is a beneficial option for many individuals. Below is an overview of how conventional and naturopathic medicine can offer an individualized recovery path.

A Guide to Integrative Cancer Treatment

The approach combines conventional treatments with naturopathic methods to create an individualized care plan. While a patient undergoes chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation, they will also experience various therapies, including nutritional guidance, acupuncture, pain management support, and other types of supplemental solutions. Always speak to a doctor first about what may be right for you. 

Understanding the Benefits

integrative cancer treatmentMany cancer patients exclusively undergo traditional treatment. However, this can ignore other areas of their well-being. Integrative cancer care as a supplemental natural remedy addresses their nutritional, emotional, spiritual, and physical health needs from several angles. For instance, while chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery work to remove dangerous cancer cells, integrative treatment supports the rest of the body by easing any pain, exhaustion, and other physical effects associated with traditional methods. The result is a more thorough approach and satisfying quality of life.   

Knowing When to Start Care

Most naturopathic doctors will recommend starting integrative treatment shortly after diagnosis, but this also depends on a patient’s specific needs and health history. If you are interested in this care as a supplement to the cancer treatment, seek naturopathic services as soon as possible to discuss your health with a doctor. 


At the Ellenburg Center for Natural Medicine in Anchorage, AK, their team provides comprehensive naturopathic medicine to patients. Dr. Michael J. Ellenburg takes an individualized approach to integrative cancer treatment and other medical services, so you can expect a plan that fits your health needs and guidance every step of the way, with adjustments made when necessary. For more information on his practice and how he can assist, visit the website. Call (907) 563-2366 today to schedule an appointment. 
