
Although most people make an effort to take care of their vehicle, there’s always the possibility that an unexpected problem might leave you stranded on the side of the road. The expert auto mechanics from All Around Auto Care, based in Elizabethtown, KY, want to make sure you’re always prepared. Below, they’ve listed a few items you should always have in the car.

Auto Mechanic Lists Emergency Items to Keep in Your Car

1. First-Aid Kit

If you become injured on the road or experience a health emergency, having the basics can be extremely helpful. To ensure you’re prepared for these situations, keep a fully stocked first-aid kit in your trunk or glove compartment. Fill it with bandages, gauze, aspirin, and antiseptic cream to handle the most basic emergencies. You can also store extra doses of medications for yourself or your family members.

2. Jumper Cables

auto mechanicWhen the battery gets low or dies, you might not be able to start the car. Even if a friend or another motorist stops to help you, you won’t be able to jumpstart the car if neither of you has a pair of cables. Plus, if you keep these in your trunk, you’ll be able to help another stranded driver you come across. Make sure the cables are at least 10 feet long and have an 8-gauge rubber coating.

3. Spare Tire

Perhaps one of the most inconvenient roadside emergencies, flat tires also tend to be very common. If you experience this issue on the road without a spare tire, you’ll need to have the car towed. Instead, learn how to change a tire and make sure you always have an operational spare, jack, and lug wrench in your trunk.

Before you hit the road, make sure you have all these items in your vehicle to stay safe. You should also keep your vehicle in working condition by bringing it to the auto mechanics at All Around Auto Care. As a full-service auto repair shop, these professionals can help you develop a car maintenance program that works for you. If you do find yourself without a spare tire, their exceptional towing service will get you safely off the road in no time. To set up an appointment, call them today at (270) 737-9954, and visit them online to learn more about their services.
