
With hurricane season underway, now is the time for homeowners to make sure they are stocked up on emergency supplies. In particular, the electricians at Always On Electric on the Big Island of Hawaii recommend putting together items that will prove useful in case of a power outage. Below, they list basics to keep in your emergency kit. 

4 Power Outage Essentials Electricians Recommend

1. Flashlights

There’s no way to predict how long the power cut will last. Have ample emergency lighting arrangements available with several battery-operated flashlights, so you can navigate the darkness. Avoid using candles because they can get knocked over and start a fire.

2. Medical Supplies

ElectricianPut together a first-aid kit if you don't already have one at home. Include bandages, rubbing alcohol, antibiotic ointments, and over-the-counter pain medicines. If you take prescription medication, make sure you have enough stock to last a week. Additionally, pack personal hygiene items you and other family members may need during the power outage.

3. Non-Electric Phone Chargers

As part of your emergency preparations, make sure your cellphone is fully charged. Also, keep a backup non-electric phone charger in case your phone battery runs out before power is restored. Electricians recommend solar-powered battery chargers for such situations.

4. Non-Perishable Food Items

With your refrigerator out of commission, avoid foods that require cold storage to remain fresh. Instead, maintain a stock of non-perishable foods to last you for the duration of the power outage. Ready-to-eat items like granola bars, crackers, jerky, and dried fruit are a few options to keep at home.

Power outages can sometimes occur because of an electrical wiring problem. Let the electricians at Always On Electric restore your electrical system in no time. These licensed and insured electrical contractors have experience handling all types of repair and restoration procedures, plus they offer 24-hour emergency service. Call (808) 965-1596 or visit their website to schedule an appointment.
