
As the temperature begins to drop, pests and other invaders begin looking for warm, comfortable places to nest. From mice and rats to cockroaches and spiders, make sure your home is protected this fall. The staff at AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal in Lewisburg, OH, share several key pest control tips to follow. Sticking to them will help ensure your home is safe this fall and help prevent additional pest problems in the future.

3 Pest Control Tips to Protect Your Home This Fall

1. Seal Entries

pest control Pest will find plenty of creative ways to get into your home. Any gap, crack, and other minor entry point will do, so make a comprehensive sweep of your home. Seal around doors and windows, check the exterior for any cracks or spaces around utility piping and vents, and looks for small holes in pantries and other areas that have easy access to food. If you need assistance, consult with a pest control professional.

2. Cut off the Food Supply

A few crumbs are enough to draw pests in, which is why you need to clean your kitchen after every use. Wipe, sweep, and seal foods in airtight containers in your pantry. Some pests such as cockroaches can be drawn by waste, so take your trash out regularly to avoid catching their interest.

3. Clean up the Yard

Many insects will nest outside your home and only come in for food. Flat spots in your yard that collect standing water, old tree stumps, and rotting scrap piles all make for cozy homes pests can nest in, so clean up before winter arrives. You’ll also want to store firewood at least 20 feet from your home, as it’s also a popular nesting spot.

For more pest control advice and assistance, turn to the team at AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal in Lewisburg, OH. They’ve served residents of Preble, Darke, Montgomery, and Miami counties for almost a decade and are committed to ensuring homeowners’ properties are protected. Whether it’s bedbug treatment or more extensive pest control services like raccoon removal, they’ll take the steps necessary to eliminate the issue and provide long-term solutions. Call (937) 884-5646 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
