
For some patients, talking to their physicians can be an intimidating experience. They may worry that doctors will use words they don’t understand or omit details they assume patients know. Patients should take responsibility for asking about what they don’t understand and ask for clarity when meeting with healthcare professionals. Asking the questions below might help you gain more confidence and understanding from your physician at your next checkup.

Items to Ask Your Doctor About During an Annual Checkup

1. Medical Screening or Testing

If your physician recommends a screening test for a disease or diagnostic procedure for an illness, find out its purpose and possible outcomes. Ask your doctor to describe the test or procedure, how long it takes, whether it requires anesthesia, and if it has risks or side effects. The answers can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed. Additionally, if there is a test you think you may need, this is a good time to ask your doctor if they think you could benefit from it. They can advise you with their expert knowledge and their awareness of your specific health history.

2. Medications and Treatment Alternatives

physiciansYour physician might recommend a particular drug for an illness or condition. Ask why this drug is best for you, and how it will affect you. Find out about possible interactions with other prescription or over-the-counter medications you are taking, including herbal or dietary supplements. Inquire about treatment alternatives and sources of information where you can learn more about your condition.

3. Embarrassing Topics

The confidential relationship between physicians and their patients means you can ask seemingly embarrassing questions without fear or embarrassment. Your doctor won’t mind discussing topics such as your sex drive, incontinence, overeating, alcohol or drug use, or anxiety attacks, and they want to help you live your healthiest life by treating these issues.    

When you go to United Hospital District for your annual checkup, the physicians and other medical professionals are ready to answer your questions. Whatever issues you need to ask your doctor about, these skilled medical practitioners respond with honesty, wisdom, and compassion. The hospital’s medical teams are devoted to providing personalized care and building long-term professional relationships with their patients in. Visit them online for more about their comprehensive services, and make an appointment by calling (507) 526-3273. 
