
If you are considering a weight loss diet it is helpful to know and understand why you are wanting to make this change.  In fact, revisiting goals is a very important step for continued, successful weight loss and weight management.  Approximately 30% of American adults are now overweight, and roughly 40% fall into the obese category.  Trying to get your weight under control as early as possible will help to minimize your health risks. Act Now!

Health Risks for Overweight Adults:

Type 2 Diabetes:  It is estimated that 46% of adults now have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Of those with diabetes, 26% are overweight and 61% are obese. The risk for diabetes doubles even in the upper half of the normal weight range.

High blood pressure (hypertension):  An increase in fatty tissue in the body can increase a person’s vascular resistance and in turn increases the workload of the heart to pump blood throughout the body. Remember on the flip side, reducing body weight has shown significant results for lowering blood pressure.  

Other health risks for overweight and obesity include heart disease, and gallstones as well as certain types of cancers.  

Your genetics will play a huge roll in not only body weight but what types of health risks you may face.  Take action and start now with reaching a healthy weight to minimize your risks.  Start by making healthful food choices and increasing your physical activity.

For more information about our weight loss programs, please visit our website at or call us at (402) 483.4770.

