
Daily devotionals are a way to fortify your bond with God and imbue your day-by-day routine with spirituality. However, it can sometimes be difficult to find time for them. Block out a specific period each day to ensure your spiritual side receives the attention it deserves, like at these suggested times.

When Can You Dedicate Yourself to Daily Devotionals?

1. In the Morning

Spending time with God in the morning is a great way to start your day. You can do your devotions upon waking or wait until you’re seated at the breakfast table. That way you can share your readings with the rest of the family.

2. Before Bedtime

Conversely, some people prefer spending a few quiet moments before bed to give praise. This can be especially helpful after a stressful day, when you may feel lost and need comfort.

3. In Your Car

While it may seem like an unlikely place for worship, your car is a convenient place to partake in the Lord’s word. Audio readings are ideal in this case, which can be conveniently played from a compact disc or mobile device. Listening to devotions during a long commute will create a peaceful mindset for the workday ahead.

4. At Lunch

DevotionalsYour lunch break offers an opportunity to take a moment for yourself. Bring your daily devotions along, so you can bask in the word of God while recharging with a midday meal. You’re sure to feel spiritually renewed and refreshed afterward.

5. During Dinner

Dinner is the time to bond with family, who will also benefit from spiritual readings. After you’ve finished your reading, discuss the content of the devotional as a beneficial teaching experience, especially for younger kids.


A daily devotional allows you to spend quality time with God no matter the time of day. If you’re looking for a non-denomination place of worship in which to further strengthen your spiritual bond, City of Refuge Christian Church welcomes all residents of Waipahu, HI. Dr. Wayne E. Anderson established this church three decades ago to bolster spiritual fortitude and their doors are always open to new members. Call (808) 677-5677 to inquire about their worship services, prayer sessions, and Bible studies. You can also watch some of Dr. Anderson’s sermons by visiting the website.
