
Sexual assault refers to nonconsensual physical contact of an intimate nature. Although people often equate it to rape, it’s an umbrella term that includes everything from aggressive groping and grabbing to unwanted fondling. No matter the situation, it is often traumatic for its victims, especially if they don’t know what to do in the aftermath. From securing safety to getting justice with help from an attorney, here are a few critical steps to take after an incident. 

What to Do if You’ve Been the Victim of Sexual Assault

1. Get to Safety

If you are not in a safe place, do whatever it takes to get to one. Call nearby friends or family members who can help, or take advantage of the state's programs for victims of violent crimes. For example, you can call the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence to connect with a crisis center nearest you. 

2. Take Care of Yourself 

attorneyIt’s important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally following sexual assault. You should seek adequate medical assistance as soon as you get to safety. Once your physical health stabilizes, use the various local resources available for victims of these crimes, like support groups and counselors. 

3. Call an Attorney 

Talking about sexual assault is hard, especially in the immediate aftermath of the incident. However, the sooner you call an attorney, the better your odds of pursuing justice. A lawyer will help you compile the evidence needed to prove fault in both civil and criminal proceedings. By hiring a legal professional from the start, you will avoid making critical mistakes that might otherwise jeopardize the claim. 


If you were the victim of sexual assault and want to take action, turn to The Law Offices of Conti & Levy in Torrington, CT. A sympathetic attorney on their team will help you hold the perpetrator financially liable for medical bills, emotional distress, and other damages. They will also facilitate the criminal proceedings by gathering enough evidence to file a detailed police report. Visit the website to see what past clients have to say about the unparalleled counsel they provide. Call (860) 482-4451 to schedule a free initial constellation. 
