
School is back in session, and whether it’s your kid’s first year or seventh, it can be difficult to reacclimate to the academic routine after a long summer break. Fortunately, there are some tasks you can do to make the adjustment easier on everyone. Here are a few suggestions.

How to Readjust to the School Year Routine 

1. Establish a Morning Routine

Mornings can be challenging for parents and kids. The adults may be groggy before their first cup of coffee and it can be a hectic process of getting the kids dressed, eating breakfast, and packing their bags for the day. Establishing a routine can make mornings go much smoother. Start by setting a consistent wake-up time and departure time. Consistency makes it easier for kids to stay on track in the morning and get to class on time. 

2. Make Breakfast a Priority

A healthy breakfast is essential for energy and focus. If your kids can make breakfast themselves, stock up on ingredients such as bread and peanut butter, oats or whole wheat cereal, and milk over the weekend, so they have what they need to make a quick meal without resorting to sugary convenience foods. You can also prepare breakfast the night before and have it ready for kids to heat up in the morning. 

3. Focus on Homework

schoolMake a workspace, such as the dining room table or a desk in the bedroom, where kids can complete homework assignments and study for exams. Ensure the area is quiet and free of distractions during homework and study time. Designating a specific time for homework each day can also help kids stay motivated and on task. If possible, have them study right after school when the subjects are fresh in their mind and their energy is still up. If they have sports or other extracurriculars, work with their schedule, so they complete everything on time.

4. Set a Bedtime

Make sure kids have clear expectations and know what they need to do to get ready for bed. For instance, if they need to be asleep by nine, have them brush their teeth and put on their pajamas at 8:30 p.m. Praise them for completing steps on time and reward them with a bedtime story. Limit screen time right before bed to help them fall asleep faster.


With these tips, you’ll help your kids have a smooth and successful academic year. If you’re searching for a new school or after-school program for your child in Hays County, TX, consider Wonderland School in San Marcos. This has been one of the area’s best private schools for over 50 years. Call (512) 392-9404 or visit the website to learn more about their programs. Upon enrollment, let them know you found them online to receive a free gift! 
