
Driving in adverse weather conditions creates dangerous situations, significantly increasing the potential for accidents to occur. For this reason, it’s important to take extra precaution when navigating the roadways during heavy wind and rain. Regardless of how experienced a driver you may be, it pays to brush up on your wet weather driving skills every now and then. This can make all the difference in whether or not you’re involved in a collision that causes your car insurance rates to rise. Here are a few tips to help make sure you arrive at your destination safely and without a greater financial burden. 

5 Defensive Driving Tips to Stay Safe in Severe Weather 

1. Reduce Your Speed 

No matter what the posted speed limit is, it’s a good idea to slow down whenever driving in harsh weather. Rainfall makes the roads slippery, and it becomes easier to hydroplane. Reducing your speed will give you more time to brake and help you stay in control over the vehicle. 

2. Keep Your Headlights On 

Drivers are typically required by law to keep their headlights turned on when it’s raining. Compliance is essential for avoiding a traffic violation and maintaining better visibility. You will be able to see what’s happening around you, and it will allow other motorists to see you more clearly, as well. 

3. Leave Extra Space Between Vehicles 

car insuranceKeeping a safe distance between yourself and other vehicles is always good practice, but this is especially true when it’s raining. The more room you leave, the more time you have to react safely to another vehicle suddenly stopping or sliding. Many car insurance claims are filed due to preventable rear-end accidents.

4. Be Prepared for Strong Winds

In gusty winds, it’s important to adjust the pressure you place on the steering wheel to help keep your car going in the same direction you want it to go in. You must be prepared to respond quickly when winds kick up but in small increments and without jerking the wheel. 

5. Steer Clear of Large Vehicles 

Larger vehicles, such as semi-trucks and recreational, are more prone to being tossed around by high winds. This can make it difficult for them to stay in their lanes. When occupying the same roadway as these vehicles, steer clear of their path as much as possible. 


Weather-related accidents can leave you with a substantial amount of financial responsibility. The professionals at Tammy Ross Insurance will help make sure you have adequate car insurance coverage to protect you in the event you’re unable to avoid a collision due to heavy wind and rain. For the last 20 years, they have been entrusted to provide the Monroe, NC, community with quality products at competitive prices. To find out how suitable your current policy is, contact the agency at (704) 233-4981. You can also visit them online to request a free car insurance quote. 
