
After preparing a meal, it’s easy to flush leftovers down the sink when doing your dishes; while it may seem convenient, you may be doing serious damage further down your plumbing. The team at Latour Plumbing in Lafayette, LA, advise that, while plumbers can make the repairs, you could end up doing costly damage that requires extensive replacements. They share several common causes of clogs, here.

3 Common Items That Clog Kitchen Sinks

1. Flour

Brushing excess flour into the sink may seem quicker than wiping it up; while small quantities may seem harmless, they can gradually create problems. Over time, the flour will coagulate and expand, causing a blockage. The water pressure may push it further into your plumbing, and the strain can lead to burst pipes that require emergency service from plumbers.

2. Coffee Grounds

plumbersWhen you flush coffee grounds, they begin to pack together since they don’t break down in water. In some cases, these lumps can block piping or attach to other blockages to create a complete closure. Leftover coffee grounds are excellent for plants, so put them to use in your garden or around your home instead.

3. Toss Grease

Grease is the number one no-no when it comes to flushing items down the kitchen sink. When you pour it down the drain, it begins coating the walls of your piping. Gradually, the passage will tighten, and other items will become lodged, creating total blockages. These can sometimes be deep in your system and require extensive assistance from plumbers. Always store or throw grease away in an approved container to avoid complications.

For further advice on how to keep your plumbing system healthy, turn to the team at Latour Plumbing. Their plumbers will work closely with you regardless of the issue and can address drain cleaning for residential and commercial clients and general plumbing repair. They also assist with bathroom and kitchen remodeling to ensure plumbing fixtures are properly installed, so call (337) 291-0964 if you’re starting a new project. You can also connect on Facebook for additional resources and frequent updates.
