
While most people describe massages as soothing, there are some areas of the body more sensitive to touch. Massage therapists are trained to know which parts are ticklish, so they can help clients avoid discomfort. Professionals and students alike can learn more below about how to navigate these sensitive spots.

5 Most Sensitive Body Parts Massage Therapists Should Treat With Care

1. Neck 

Neck massages eliminate tension and help prevent headaches. Provide these benefits by beginning with a less ticklish area. Try starting your session with the upper back. Keep your strokes slow and tackle as large of a surface area as possible. 

2. Underarms 

The underarms may contain tension affecting the shoulder, arm, and back. While massaging this area can relieve pain and improve function, it is another sensitive spot. Press slowly with the thumb instead of working quickly with the fingers. Be firm without applying too much pressure, which can irritate delicate nerves. 

3. Feet Honolulu Massage Therapist

While foot sensitivity is common, the soles are usually most susceptible to tickling. Communicate what you’re doing with this area, especially with a new client. Find out if it’s okay to massage the feet and tell the person you’re about to touch them before you begin. Ask them to inhale, and when you apply additional pressure, instruct them to exhale and continue deep breathing. Avoid delicate motions, especially with the tips of your fingers.

4. Lower Back 

The lower back contains many nerves. If your client is sensitive, try massaging with an overlying sheet or blanket. Warming with a hot towel may also work to desensitize and relax the area. Other tips include applying increased pressure or using the thumbs. 

5. Hips 

Use broad, swift strokes on this space. You can also try placing a thin layer of cloth over the area. Since it's a common spot for carrying tension, ask your client to breathe deeply, which will help you work through tight spots.


Feelings of anxiety and vulnerability can also contribute to being ticklish. The Hawaii Massage Academy in Honolulu will teach you how to create open lines of communication with your client and establish a continual relationship that will help reduce sensitivity over time, as well as the most innovative techniques. Their massage school and aesthetician training program have assisted over 4,000 graduates since 1983. To enroll in massage therapist classes, call them at (808) 946-8878. Browse class descriptions on their website and read student and client reviews on Yelp
