
Less than two decades ago, people were wary of putting their personal information on the internet, but now, posting about everything—from what you ate for breakfast to where you went jogging—is the norm. In fact, publishing relatively intimate details about one’s life on social media has become so commonplace that most people don’t even think twice before doing so. If you were hurt in an accident and decide to sue the liable party, though, it’s wise to stay offline altogether until the personal injury case has been resolved. 

Why You Should Avoid Social Media During the Personal Injury Claims Process

1. Everything Is Up for Scrutiny 

The opposing party will judge every photograph, status, and video that you post, and there is no way to predict how they might interpret any of them. For example, they might use pictures from a dinner with friends to challenge assertions of emotional distress, or they may use videos from a boat ride to dispute your limited mobility. What they can’t see, however, is what happened immediately before or after the footage was taken, which might include friends comforting you or carrying you. 

2. Privacy Settings Are Not Foolproof 

personal injurySome injured parties assume setting their profiles to private will provide sufficient protection from the insurance adjuster’s scrutiny. Once you put something on the internet, though, there is no way to control how it spreads. Also, if we have learned anything from the data breaches that have occurred in recent years, it’s that no one’s personal information is safe online. 

3. Published Posts Are Permanent Posts 

If you talk about the case online, there is no way to take back or change what you say. People take screenshots of everything nowadays, which means editing or deleting posts will not suffice. Additionally, sarcasm does not come across in text, so criticizing the opposing party or joking about your injuries in any way could be misconstrued and threaten the entire claim. 


Posting about a pending personal injury suit on social media is not the only way to weaken a claim early in the proceedings. If you were hurt because of someone else’s negligence and want to avoid jeopardizing the case, contact Neimark & Neimark in New City, NY. A strategic attorney on their team will help you avoid making critical mistakes that could limit the amount of compensation you recover. To learn more about their commitment to excellence, visit their website. Schedule an initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer by calling (888) 725-7424. 
