
As technology continues to advance drastically, many people find themselves wondering what to do with old, obsolete computer models. If you want to ensure proper disposal of electronics, consider taking advantage of computer recycling programs. To help you understand this process, the following guide highlights everything you need to know. 

3 Factors to Consider if You’re Interested in Computer Recycling

1. Benefits

Computers typically include a myriad of non-biodegradable components, including plastics, metals, and mercury. If thrown in the trash, these materials will end up in landfills, where they will release toxic chemicals. Those chemicals can then contaminate the local water, soil, and air. Recycling, however, prevents such pollution and allows the materials to be reused to conserve limited resources.

2. Concerns

computer recyclingIf you plan to recycle your computers and other electronics, make sure the service you use is reputable. Check that the recycling professionals have certifications, as this will indicate their ability to correctly dispose of various materials. You should also be wary of services that claim to be free, as this can indicate that the computer won’t be handled properly. 

3. What You Should Do

Once you’ve decided that computer recycling is right for you, it’s critical that you comply with all local and state laws. If you aren’t familiar with these regulations, ask your recycling provider about their policies that ensure compliance. Finally, before handing over your belongings, remove any personal information from your laptops and hard drives. This will protect your identity in the event your electronics fall into the wrong hands.


If you find yourself with an old computer, reach out to the experts at Metalico Rochester in Monroe County, NY. Dedicated to conserving natural resources and saving energy, these computer recycling professionals will help you properly dispose of your electronics. They even offer scrap metal pick-up services if you need to recycle metal doors, siding, or vehicles. To learn more about their scrap yard and metal recycling programs, call (585) 436-0713 and visit them online. Or, like them on Facebook for the latest updates.