
When homeowners discuss septic tank care, the subject sometimes turns to additives, which some companies market as crucial to the health of your tank. But experts believe that additives actually do more harm than good, and in fact, you should avoid putting them into your septic system. Here is a look at everything you need to know about septic tank additives.

An Overview of Septic Tank Additives

What Are They?

Septic additives cover a wide umbrella of chemicals that companies promote to maintain a healthy septic tank. While some are geared towards breaking down waste, others like drain cleaners are meant to remove clogs and facilitate a cleaner pipeline to your tank. 

Are They Useful?

The problem with septic additives is that they wind up attacking the bacteria in your tank. Not all bacteria is bad, and in the case of a septic system, it’s actually what helps break down the waste. It’s similar to how too many antibiotics can weaken a human immune system since the good bacteria will be wiped out. Once septic additives are introduced to the tank, it will have a much harder time dispensing of the waste. 

What Should You Do Instead?

septic tankInstead of trying to manipulate the tank on your own, it’s safer to schedule a professional inspection if you believe your septic tank has an issue. Otherwise, the best practice is to ensure the tank is pumped at least once every three years. That action will prevent the sludge layer from rising too high and keep the system running smoothly. 


With over three decades of experience, Holmen Pumping Service in La Crosse County, WI, is a local expert on septic matters. Instead of endangering your septic tank with additives, they provide time-tested techniques of inspection and septic tank pumping to keep your system in excellent shape. Get in touch with their licensed and certified technicians for a free estimate by calling (608) 526-3865. Learn more about the tank cleaning company by visiting their website. You can also find them on Facebook.
