
Even though their baby teeth will fall out, it’s still crucial to take care of your child’s oral health. This includes teaching them to brush and floss from an early age, bringing them to a kids’ dentist twice a year, and paying attention to the development of their bite. Their permanent teeth might not always come in straight, and a misalignment can result in difficulty chewing or speaking, affect the look of their smile, and cause the need for braces. Here’s what you should look for.

What Can Go Wrong With Teeth Alignment?

There are a number of different ways teeth can present themselves as misaligned. In some cases, the lower ones come in too far in front of the upper teeth, resulting in a condition called an underbite. In others, the upper and lower teeth don’t cover each other at all, leaving a gap and an alignment issue kids’ dentists refer to as an open bite. At times, some teeth might come in perfectly aligned, while others aren’t, which is called a crossbite.

What Should You Do?

kid's dentistFirst, it’s essential to not neglect your child’s dentist appointments. This professional will keep an eye on your kid’s permanent teeth as they come in and let you know if there are any issues. Should they notice one of the bite conditions discussed above, they will likely refer you to an orthodontist who specializes in correcting misalignments and other issues. They will determine if your little one needs braces or another corrective treatment to ensure they have a straight, beautiful smile that doesn’t cause issues.


For a reliable kids’ dentist in Anchorage, speak with the team at Alaska Dentistry for Kids. Dr. Chris Coplin and the compassionate staff members specialize in working with children and offer a welcoming office, as well as top-notch services, including X-rays and lip and tongue-tie correction. To learn more about their services, call (907) 274-2525 or visit them online today.
