
If you have poorly shaped, discolored, or weak teeth, crowns and bridges are an option for restoring them. Dental veneers are another popular choice among patients. As you make an appointment with your dentist to discuss the pros and cons, the guide below will help you understand the difference and decide which solution is right for you. 

Crowns & Bridges vs. Veneers 

1. Crowns 

Hamilton Crowns and BridgesA dental crown is a prosthetic device designed to cap a damaged tooth. They are made from a variety of materials, including metal, ceramic, and porcelain. Many patients prefer ceramic and porcelain because they provide a natural look. Should you desire more strength, your provider can fuse these substances over gold or alloy. 

The most common reasons for receiving a crown include restoring a misshapen tooth, keeping a tooth from fracturing, and protecting teeth after a root canal. They can also eliminate the appearance of unsightly enamel. Crowns may cover replacement tooth abutments that make up a bridge. In addition, they can help attach bridges to healthy teeth. Restorations range in affordability and durability depending on the material.

2. Bridges 

Bridges are made up of one or more crowns. They are useful for filling gaps in the mouth that may cause spacing and bite problems. They range in fragility and price, depending on their makeup. However, most materials provide a convenient and cost-effective way to improve your appearance.

Like crowns, they are also an optimal solution for teeth that are heavily decayed. In most cases, you will receive your bridge in one convenient appointment. You’ll also enjoy enhanced function and confidence. 

3. Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, porcelain shells bonded to the surface of your existing enamel. In addition to making your smile appear whiter and healthier, they also allow your teeth to work better. Like bridges or crowns, they cover enamel stains, reduce gaps, and eliminate chips. They also help prevent fractures. While they have many uses, they may not be strong enough for long-term protection against decay or breakage. 

Each veneer is made to match the exact shade of your real teeth. While many patients prefer them for their natural look and ability to maintain your existing tooth structure, they are more expensive than bridges and crowns. In most cases, they also take more than one appointment to finish. 


A consultation with a skilled and friendly dentist will help you determine the restoration option that is best for your needs. Dr. John A. Clements, DMD, and his team at Clements Family Dentistry in Hamilton, OH, have been specializing in the most innovative and useful cosmetic dentistry treatments for over 20 years. To make an appointment to discuss veneers, as well as crowns and bridges, call (513) 887-7027. For information about their additional services, including dental implants and teeth whitening, visit their website
