
Summertime in Georgia is known for being scorching, so you’ll need your air conditioner to run efficiently without raising your bills. But how can you achieve this and avoid overworking it to the point of needing AC repairs? Below, the team at Ogeechee Heating & Air of Hagan, GA, offers three insider secrets to stay comfortable and save money.

How to Avoid AC Repairs This Summer

1. Use Economical Temperature Settings

If there’s a large temperature difference between the temperature outside and the settings on your thermostat, it will take more energy to bring your home to a comfortable temperature. Try turning the temperature up in small, five-degree increments until you find your comfort threshold.

2. Turn on the Fan

AC repairsNot all summer days call for blasting the AC. When possible, turn on some fans instead. Both ceiling and floor models work great to push air around and keep you cool, and they use far less electricity than an air conditioning unit. Better still, this will give your HVAC system a break.

3. Purchase a Dehumidifier

Often, it’s not actually the heat that’s making you uncomfortable—it’s the humidity. Buying a dehumidifier and using it as often as possible will decrease your reliance on your AC system and keep your house cooler. As an added bonus, it will also help prevent the formation of mold and mildew inside your residence.

It’s a smart call to schedule maintenance and get AC repairs in a timely manner to prevent the system from breaking down and costing you more money. The professionals at Ogeechee Heating & Air are licensed and insured and have been serving Georgia residents for over a decade. In addition to these services, they sell air conditioners, heat pumps, gas furnaces, and more. For additional information, call (912) 764-8173 or visit them online
