
As consumers become increasingly concerned with doing their part to save the environment, it’s more essential than ever for businesses to follow suit. Adopting eco-friendly practices will not only help to give your company’s reputation a boost, but it will also improve its bottom line and reduce its carbon footprint. From recycling products to conserving energy, there are several simple steps your workplace can take towards being more sustainable.

4 Ways Your Business Can Support Sustainability

1. Switch to Renewable Energy

Powering your company with a renewable energy source — such as solar panels, geothermal, hydropower, or plant matter — will make a significant difference in your energy consumption. You may also capitalize on government tax breaks, rebates, and other monetary incentives for using alternative energy sources.

2. Recycle Old Office Equipmentrecycling

Any company that wishes to become more environmentally friendly must incorporate recycling into their routine. Recycling practices should extend far beyond paper to include old office equipment that is no longer of use. Recycling computers, printers, copy machines, and other electronics will help conserve natural resources and prevent toxic elements from poisoning the environment.

3. Go Paperless

Businesses utilize a great deal of paper on a daily basis. To limit wastefulness in this area, consider transitioning all your documents to digital files. Cloud technology has made it possible to store computerized data in a safe and accessible place. You can also encourage more communication by email to cut down on paper use.

4. Use Green Cleaning Products

A clean workplace is vital to the success of any business; however, many cleaning products on the market are full of toxins harmful to the environment. Switching over to green cleaning solutions instead will allow you to keep your organization spotless without releasing all the extra chemicals into the air.


Numerous easy adjustments can be made to your business practices that will have a positive impact on the environment. As you work to make recycling a regular part of your operations, Evage Electronic Recycling can assist you. They offer a safe, convenient, and affordable way for Harrison, AR, companies to properly dispose of old electronics and appliances. Their role in the community helps promote greener, happier, and healthier workplaces. Call (870) 416-2294 for additional information on their EPA-certified recycling center, or visit them online to learn more about the services they provide.
