
Proper tree care is a vital responsibility that homeowners may sometimes overlook. While it’s not as common as mowing the lawn, tree trimming is just as important for maintaining the health and appearance of your yard. The arborists at Eldridge Arborist & Landscaping, based in Oak Ridge, NC, are here to explain some advantages of trimming the trees regularly.

Why Regular Tree Trimming Is So Important

1. Prevent Injury or Damage

When branches dip too low, they may pose a threat to passersby or even the house. In that case, heavy winds or a storm could easily cause the branch to damage the property or fall and injure someone. An arborist can easily remove these and assess the rest of the tree to determine any areas of weakness that might be in danger of falling.

2. Promote Longevity & Health

Oak Ridge, NC tree trimmingDamaged limbs can affect the integrity of the tree, eventually leading to widespread damage that may detract from its life span, too. That’s because dying and decaying branches take up valuable space and prevent healthy growth. If those limbs are diseased, the illness can spread to neighboring branches and eventually to the trunk. Removing the affected branches also encourages greater sun exposure and increases air circulation, which will improve the overall health of the tree.

3. Encourage Production of Fruit

The production of your fruit trees will severely decline if the limbs are diseased, drooping, or otherwise damaged. Impaired branches can’t properly feed the fruit, especially if they’re infested with insects or diseases. By scheduling tree trimming, you can also ensure that fruit grows abundantly during growth season.

If your trees could benefit from some attention, the arborists at Eldridge Arborist & Landscaping can help. They’ll take into account the overall condition, schedule tree trimming as necessary, and ensure that they look great and remain healthy year round. Offering over 80 years of combined experience, the team will provide you with a fair estimate before getting started—and if there’s extensive tree damage, they can even remove it to improve the appearance of your landscape. Visit their website for details, or call them at (336) 423-7133 to schedule an appointment.
