
Holiday decorations, clothes that are out of season, and stacks of old books have a way of filling up closets and garages. While you don’t want to get rid of those possessions, keeping them around at home only increases the amount of clutter lying around. Renting storage units is the perfect way to get rid of unwanted clutter without forcing you to sell the items you love. However, keeping pests out of the unit can be challenging if you’re unprepared. Here are a few simple tips to help reduce the risk of pests and critters inside your secure storage rental.

5 Tips to Keep Pests Out of Storage Units

1. Speak With the Facility

Reputable storage facilities implement pest control methods to keep insects and rodents away from your belongings. Before renting a unit, ask what the facility does to reduce pests. If they don’t have a good pest control plan in place, steer clear of their units.

2. Ditch Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes are convenient, but they’re also the perfect place for rodents and insects to build their nests. Instead of packing your items in cardboard boxes, consider upgrading to sturdy plastic bins. Even the most determined rodent won’t chew through plastic, keeping your belongings safe. Best of all, plastic bins are easier to stack than cardboard and you’ll be able to fit more bins in each unit.

3. Keep Items Off the Floor

Storage UnitsLeaving boxes and bins resting on the floor makes them an easy target for insects and pests. Instead, keep them up off the floor inside the unit. Use packing pallets from your hardware store to lift the containers off the ground. Even a few inches of clearance will greatly reduce the risk of pests nesting in your belongings.

4. Never Store Food

If it’s edible or perishable, keep it at home. Food items kept in storage units not only act as a food source for pests, but they attract them as well. Before dropping a load at your storage facility, make sure there’s nothing edible inside.

5. Be Proactive

Even if the storage facility has their own pest control protocols, it never hurts to take a few steps of your own. Inside the unit, set a few pest traps in the corners. This way, any pests that are attracted to your unit will be more interested in the bait inside the trap than in your belongings. Keep in mind you’ll need to change out the traps every few weeks for best results.


Protecting your belongings inside storage units doesn’t have to be difficult. At AAA Storage Center in Ashland, KY, their clean and well-maintained facility will help keep your items safe at all times. Whether you’re looking for climate-controlled storage or want the simplicity of a drive-up unit, they have the perfect options for your needs. Their 24/7 accessibility and affordable prices make decluttering your home a breeze. Like their Facebook page for more information and call (606) 928-9524 to discuss their availability.
