
From muscle tears to sprained ankles, there are many injuries that can happen in the high-impact world of sports. While using safety equipment and training properly to prevent sports injuries is critical, it’s also important for athletes to know how to recover from these incidents. Serving physically active clients in Lincoln, NE, Snyder Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation offers a few essential tips to prevent more damage and speed up the recovery process.  

5 Ways to Improve the Sports Injury Recovery Process

1. Embrace the RICE Recovery Method

Standing for “rest, ice, compression, and elevation,” RICE is a common acronym relied upon by physical therapists, coaches, trainers, and team doctors to help athletes immediately after a sports injury. By following each of these steps, individuals can reduce pain, reduce swelling, and prevent more damage until the injury can be assessed. For example, applying ice to the area several times for the first 72 hours after the incident can reduce swelling, bleeding, and muscle pain.  

2. Get a Diagnosis

When symptoms are severe or persistent, injured athletes should visit an emergency room or health care provider for an immediate diagnosis. Through physical examination and medical imaging, doctors can determine how serious the injury is and what treatments may be necessary.

3. Take a Time Out

While you may feel able to push through the pain after an injury, starting activity too soon can cause problems to resurface or grow worse. Rather than taking the chance of causing more injury, stay on the bench until you have a doctor’s approval.

4. Consult a Physical Therapist

While resting is critical to the recovery process, you shouldn’t avoid fitness altogether. Through physical therapy, you will engage in personalized activities to strengthen injured tissues, maintain flexibility, and relieve pain. Physical therapists can also teach you how to stretch and modify your exercise to prevent future injuries.

5. Practice Patience

Once you're approved to practice a sport again, take it slow to avoid another injury. In addition to using the lessons you learned in physical therapy, listen to your body and stay wary of pain or mobility issues. As you regain your physical abilities, take breaks, stretch regularly, and use assistive devices to protect the injured part of the body.


When sports injuries put your athletic performance in jeopardy, turn to the specialists at Snyder Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation in Lancaster County. Treating all types of athletes, this physical therapy clinic is equipped to address any type of injury with a customized approach. Whether you want to regain mobility as part of a post-surgical treatment or learn how to minimize knee pain while running, these specialists will give you effective tools and techniques to keep the body safe. Visit this clinic online to learn more about their services or call (402) 489-1999 to schedule a consultation. 
