
At some point, nearly all children and teenagers will push back against their loved one's wishes or act out in some way. While this is natural, there are instances where kids need help, and their decisions aren’t just an effort to make their own choices and show that they’re growing up. Seeking youth therapy may be an option if you’re concerned about your child’s well-being. Below, you’ll find indications that your kid may be a good candidate for behavior intervention to help get them back on track with making healthy choices.

Your Child May Benefit From Youth Therapy if You Notice These 3 Signs

1. Their Schooling Is Affectedyouth therapy Saint Louis MO

Is your child’s bad attitude affecting their education? If their behaviors are disrupting the classroom, leading to bad grades, or reducing their involvement in their schooling, it’s time to consider youth therapy.

2. They’re Not Acting Age-Appropriately

With every age comes developmental milestones that children and teenagers should be achieving. If yours aren’t acting age appropriately, they may need some help getting up to speed. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that 12 to 14 year olds will likely want to spend more time with their friends than their family.

If your son or daughter is more interested in hanging out with senior students, and you fear they might be trying to act much older than their age, they may benefit from going to youth therapy. There, they’ll learn why it’s important to enjoy their current social situation, like navigating relationships with friends and crushes, instead of spending time with students who are much older and more mature.

3. They’re Physically Changing

Teenagers go through puberty so it’s natural to notice some physical changes as they grow and mature. However, it’s important to also look for signs of negative behaviors, like self-harm, dieting, and drug use. Keep an eye out for indications of cutting, track marks, or weight loss that may require professional attention. 


Adolescents who need help managing behaviors to get through schooling should consider going to Logos School in Saint Louis, MO. Our team of experienced teachers and compassionate staff work towards helping our students, “Turn struggles into strengths.” To learn about youth therapy, our 98 percent graduation rate and how to enroll your child in the 11-month program, schedule a tour at (314) 997-7002. To decide if Logos is a good fit for your family, learn more about our program or view upcoming open house dates visit our website .
