
While it’s tempting to give your adorable pet a bite of your meal (especially when they’re begging for it), eating food meant for humans can be toxic or even lethal to dogs and cats and can earn them a trip to the emergency vet. Crescent Springs Animal Hospital would like to remind you that while certain foods may be delicious and healthy for humans, it should never be assumed that they’ll be beneficial to your pet, too.

Here is a list of “people” foods that are toxic or even lethal to your dog or cat:

Chocolate. Chocolate should never be fed to a dog because it contains theobromine, a chemical that can negatively impact a dog’s heart, nervous system, lungs, and kidneys. Even a small amount can severely harm your dog.

Milk. Despite what the cartoons suggest, cats actually shouldn’t drink milk. Many adult cats are actually lactose intolerant, and milk can make them dehydrated and give them diarrhea.

Onions. Onions are particularly toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions can cause hemolytic anemia, or onion toxicity. Onion toxicity can lead to anemia, weight loss, lethargy, and other serious symptoms. If you think your pet might've eaten even a small amount of onion, take him to the animal hospital right away.

Grapes and raisins. Avoid giving these bite-sized foods to your dog. Even as few as four can make your pooch extremely sick, and can cause irreversible kidney damage. In fact, if you notice or even think that your dog might’ve snatched a grape or raisin when you weren’t looking, it’s advisable that you whisk him to the pet hospital immediately.

Bones. Surprisingly, bones pose a risk both to cats and dogs. Even the larger ones can splinter, and the small pieces of bone put your pet in danger of choking or even suffering from an internal laceration.

Please note, this list is not exhaustive. And generally, the best course of action is to avoid giving any “people” food to your dog or cat entirely, and have them stick to the dry or wet food that’s made especially for them.

If you believe your dog or cat has ingested one of the items on the above list, bring them into Crescent Springs Animal Hospital right away. To speak with a staff member or to make an appointment, call (859) 331-6608 today or go online to find out how the professionals at Crescent Springs Animal Hospital can help your beloved pet live a happy, healthy life. 
