
Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine which stimulates pressure points throughout the body to treat everything from insomnia to back pain. Many people also turn to this natural remedy when they feel stressed. Below is a brief guide to how the procedure works and how it reduces anxiety. 

How Acupuncture Works 

The Chinese have been practicing acupuncture for thousands of years. Ancient belief holds that the procedure facilitates the flow of Qi throughout the body. Qi is an energy force that regulates both physical health and emotional well-being. Conditions like stress and anxiety result from a change or disruption to the flow of that energy. By stimulating strategic points throughout the body, you can restore balance to the nervous system, which further controls the organs and other systems and their functionality. 

How It Reduces Anxiety 

acupunctureAcupuncture benefits those with mild to moderate anxiety or depression. Instead of relying on pharmaceuticals, which may cause negative side effects, patients can undergo regular acupuncture sessions, which are safe and natural. Results are often noticeable after just one appointment. When conditions are more severe, the method is a helpful supplement to other solutions, such as counseling. Though research is ongoing, it is believed that acupuncture affects the body’s fight-or-flight response triggers. In general, by releasing tension, the procedure reduces anxiety by promoting relaxation, refreshing the mind, and revitalizing the body. 


If you suffer from anxiety or depression and want to reap the benefits of acupuncture, turn to the Ellenburg Center for Natural Medicine in Anchorage, AK. Led by Dr. Michael J. Ellenburg, this practice provides individualized treatments to patients who want to treat the underlying cause of their condition rather than manage its symptoms. Services also include ultraviolet blood irradiation and ozone and laser treatment. To request an appointment, visit the website or call (907) 563-2366. 
