
Everyone needs a place to live, so you’ve probably considered what your dream home would look like on more than one occasion. When it comes time to find this ideal spot, you’d be better served by meeting with a new home builder instead of a real estate agent. Below are just a few of the reasons why many people today prefer new home construction.  

Why Do Buyers Prefer New Homes?

1. Specific Floor & Layout Design

Every homeowner is different and has unique requirements. Moving into a house that wasn’t specifically designed to meet those needs will often end up in remodeling. Many want to avoid this headache and will contact a new home builder outright to create a floor plan that answers all of their expectations. So, if you want a low-maintenance, open and flowing space, there’s no reason to knock down walls; you can have it from the start. 

2. Energy-Efficient Materials 

new home buildersToday’s homeowners don’t want to waste money on home materials that increase the energy usage of the property. This goes beyond leaky window panes to the building materials that make up the home’s walls, flooring, ceilings, and foundation. New home builders have noted the increased energy efficiency in products in just the last five years alone.  

3. Less Maintenance

When everything in a house is brand new, you shouldn’t have to worry about replacing most fixtures or appliances for at least ten years. Also, home builders are required to provide buyers with at least a 10-year warranty, so you know you are protected if anything goes wrong. 


When you want to have a custom home built that meets your lifestyle and budget, contact the trusted contractors at Landmark Builders. Since 1976, this new home builder has been creating luxury homes for residents throughout the Whitefish, Flathead Valley, and greater Montana area. Call them today at (406) 253-3839 to discuss your dream home. You can also visit their website to view their portfolio of completed projects.
