
As a homeowner, it’s natural to rely on your experienced air conditioning contractor to understand the ins and outs of your system. With this in mind, professionals in the heating and cooling industry are making a point of informing customers about upcoming changes across the board with equipment. One of the major adjustments to note involves R-22 refrigerant. If your system runs on this specific chemical, here’s what you should know. 

Understanding the Phase-Out of R-22 Refrigerant in Air Conditioning Systems

When Will R-22 Refrigerant Become Obsolete?

The bulk of air conditioning systems run on either R-22 or R-410A refrigerant to provide cool air. Starting in the year 2020, R-22 will be phased out of production due to damaging effects on the ozone layer. As a result, it will be more difficult and expensive to repair older units that run on this specific fluid. 

When Should You Schedule Repairs vs. a New Air Conditioning Installation?

Air ConditioningIf you have an older HVAC system that uses this refrigerant, schedule an inspection with your air conditioning contractor to evaluate the current condition of your unit. Your HVAC technician can assess whether you require any repairs to make it through another season. If major repairs are necessary to maintain efficiency and comfortable indoor temperatures, your contractor will recommend installing a brand-new unit to save money, headaches, and the environment in the long run. 


If you’re based in the greater Batavia, OH area, and you’re looking for a fully licensed and insured air conditioning contractor with over 30 years of experience in the field and a penchant for affordable prices, Efficiency Heating & Air Conditioning is your one-stop shop for repairs and installation. To schedule an appointment to determine whether your system runs on R-22 refrigerant and may need an upgrade, call their office today at (513) 317-9274. For more information on their comprehensive heating and cooling services, including emergency calls, visit them online
