
Worker's compensation insurance is a critical program for helping workers who have been injured on the job, but many people don't have a clear understanding of its most important provisions. Thanks to unreliable sources, there's a lot of misinformation out there, but the experienced worker's compensation attorneys at Snyder & Gast, LLC are here to set things straight by busting some common myths.

Myth: You aren't eligible for coverage if you contributed to your own injury.

Fact: Actually, worker's compensation insurance is a no-fault system, meaning that your damages are covered as long as your injuries are related to doing your job, no matter whose fault the accident was.

Myth: Worker's comp only covers injuries sustained in accidents.

Fact: While many people hurt in a single incident do file claims, injuries and illnesses that arise from a worker's job duties are also covered, such as back strain or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Myth: Insurance will only cover your medical bills.

Fact: Treatment costs are only one part of the reimbursement offered by worker's comp. Payments also usually include lost wages, vocational training if necessary, and rehabilitation to help you get back to work.

Myth: Worker's comp covers any injury that stems from the workplace.

Fact: These protections only extend to injuries that stem from performing one's duties. In some cases, gross negligence by an employer may be best served by a personal injury attorney instead.

To learn more about worker's compensation insurance, follow  Snyder & Gast, LLC on Twitter or give them a call at (513) 281-1544 to schedule a free consultation.
