
Weeds can really disrupt the look of a lush, green, and healthy lawn. These pesky plants can steal vital nutrients from the grass and grow so large that they distract people’s attention away from your landscape. If you’re able to identify and eliminate weeds quickly, it can greatly improve the look of your outdoor space and simplify lawn maintenance tasks. Here are some common weeds to look out for.

Lawn Maintenance Basics: Eliminate These Common Weeds

1. Dandelion

Dandelions are large flowering plants that often start with a yellow flower head. They then mature into a spherical head of seeds that can easily blow away, leading to even more dandelions sprouting up.

2. Crabgrass

Crabgrass is an annual weed that grows in thin or bare spots of your lawn. It looks like a set of thick grass blades all growing from one central location, and it can spread out to cover a large portion of your lawn.

3. Evening Primrose

lawn maintenanceEvening primrose is a flowering plant that is common in temperate parts of North America. It starts out as a selection of small, egg-shaped leaves and can then grow quickly into a large plant with yellow flowers.

4. Green Foxtail

Green foxtail is a type of grass that is native to Europe and Asia, but it’s an invasive species in many parts of the U.S. Its stems can grow to be several feet long and include a spike-like panicle at the top.

5. Carpetweed

Carpetweed is an invasive weed in many parts of the U.S. It consists of a rosette formation of leaves and small white flowers. It grows very quickly and can spread over almost any surface or obstacle.


If you spot any of these weeds on your property, it’s essential to add a quality weed control regimen to your lawn maintenance process. Lawn Innovations in Dayton, OH, will help you remove weeds and keep your lawn and landscaping look professionally maintained all year long. Since 2005, the landscaper has provided a variety of services to both residential and commercial clients around the South Dayton area. You can learn more about available services on the company’s website or call (937) 626-0406 to speak with a team member directly.
