
Commercial security is a top concern for every business owner. Threats can be present both inside and outside of your building, and safeguarding against burglaries and misconduct before an issue can save both time and money. If you’re not sure where to begin, take a look at the guide below to protect your business. 

Commercial Security Solutions for Your Business

1. Integrated Access Control

Integrated access control systems offer a wide range of security measures in one convenient package. These systems often include scanners, surveillance cameras, and electronic locks—all working together to provide a cohesive and comprehensive security system. They can also be tailored to your specific business, so whether you need motion-controlled cameras outside the warehouse or keypad entry for the server room, you can take advantage of a customized package. 

2. Digital Camera Systems

comercial securityA reliable camera system allows you to keep track of who is coming and going from your building. Remote access lets you survey the property from other locations, so you can always monitor what’s happening and quickly respond. Not only are cameras essential for prosecuting crimes, but their presence may also deter criminal activity. 

3. Telephone Entry & Intercoms

If you’re concerned about unauthorized people on your property, telephone entry and intercom systems allow you to visually verify a visitor before granting them access. This is helpful for after-hours visitors, when intruders may try to break in when there is limited staff on duty. 


Larry's Lock, Safe, & Security Center knows it can be difficult to assess the myriad of threats that face your business. That’s why they work one-on-one with customers to build comprehensive commercial security solutions. Larry's Lock, Safe, & Security Center is a trusted resource for business owners concerned about breaches. They offer commercial security services to ensure only authorized individuals can access your building. If you have concerns about securing your property, call (513) 791-9163 to schedule a consultation. You can also visit the website for more business solutions.
