
If you want a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime, you need to take care of your teeth and gums. A variety of habits impact your oral health, and they aren’t all related to a dental care routine. These lifestyle tips can actually make for a healthier smile — and they have nothing to do with brushing or flossing.

5 Steps to Improve Your Oral Health

1. Quit Smoking

dental care Your doctor has probably told you to quit the cigarettes. Your dentist would tell you the same! Smoking is linked to an increased risk of gum disease and tooth loss. It also stains your teeth, giving them an unappealing yellowish hue.

2. Drink More Water

Sipping water regularly helps rinse bits of food and cavity-causing bacteria from your mouth. It also keeps you hydrated. Dry mouth is bad for your oral health — saliva acts as a natural cleaning agent and balances the pH in your mouth, keeping it from getting too acidic and damaging tooth enamel.

3. Incorporate Tooth-Friendly Nutrients

You’ve probably heard that the calcium found in dairy products is essential to building healthy bones, including teeth. However, there are many other foods that can enhance your dental care routine. Leafy greens promote strong enamel, for instance, while the vitamin C found in citrus fruits nourishes healthy gum tissue.

4. Cut Down on Drinking

Alcohol has a dehydrating impact, which can lead to dry mouth and subsequent oral issues. Many alcoholic drinks, like cocktails and champagne, also have a lot of sugar — which can attract bacteria and promote tooth decay. Finally, alcohols are often very acidic, threatening the protective enamel coating your teeth.

5. Check Your Supplies

Take a moment to assess your dental care supplies. Could your toothbrush use an upgrade? Is your dental floss getting the job done? What about incorporating a mouth rinse into your routine? You can consult with your dentist to see what they recommend. 


The dentists of Sun Dental and Orthodontics in North Branch, MN, will be happy to advise you on the best dental care products to suit your needs. These professionals are committed to educating patients on how to care for their teeth and gums, encouraging a preventative approach to dentistry. Their highly trained and skilled team is known for their friendly demeanor and make patients of all ages feel at ease. Find out more about their offerings online. For an appointment, call the dental office at (651) 674-4811.
