
Whether it’s because of a breakdown, a flat tire, or a collision, there are plenty of instances when you might need to call for a tow truck. As you wait for roadside assistance to arrive, it’s important to stay safe by taking a few precautions. Above all, remember that there are other drivers and vehicles sharing the road with you, so it’s best to keep out of their way until help comes.

What to Do Before a Tow Truck Arrives

1. Secure Your Vehicle

If possible, drive your car away from moving traffic by pulling over to the shoulder of the road. Avoid stopping at hills or blind curves where it’s dangerous for you and other drivers. As you steer clear of traffic, ensure that there’s enough space for the tow truck to maneuver.

2. Set Up Safety Markers

Make your tow truckcar as noticeable to fellow drivers as possible by turning on the hazard or emergency lights, especially during times when there is low visibility. If you have safety markers such as reflective triangles, flares, or cones, place them a few meters behind your vehicle to give oncoming traffic a heads-up.

3. Gather Your Belongings

Before the tow truck arrives, make sure that you have gathered the necessary paperwork, such as your vehicle registration, insurance, and license. Collect your belongings and other items you want to bring with you while your car is being towed.

4. Stay on the Safer Side

If you get stranded on a busy highway, it’s likely to be safer inside the vehicle with your seatbelt strapped on. But if you must exit the car, do so when the traffic is clear and by going through the passenger side—away from speeding vehicles.   

5. Be Cautious

When you call for a tow truck, get the license plate number or the identification of the driver dispatched to your location. Doing so allows you to verify their information upon arrival and avoid unscrupulous service companies. Keep a safe distance from other motorists offering help or giving rides, and tell them that assistance is already on the way.  


If you get stranded around Kalispell, MT, rely on the tow truck professionals at Bolster’s Towing to get you back on the road. They have been providing exemplary towing services with the best recovery winch throughout Flathead Valley for almost 50 years. Call (406) 752-4528 for emergency towing or visit them online to learn more about their 24-hour roadside assistance.
