
Riders run the risk of getting into a motorcycle accident every time they hit the road. Even those who are experienced and safety-conscious can end up in a catastrophic collision with a drunk or distracted driver. Fortunately, personal injury attorneys help victims pursue compensation for their damages. The following steps will help to strengthen your claim and secure a fair settlement.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident


1. Seek Medical Care

The most important step to take after a motorcycle accident is to ensure that any injuries are treated by a medical professional. Even if there are no apparent injuries immediately after the crash, it is still important to visit a doctor shortly after leaving. This will not only protect your health if you sustained latent impact injuries, but will also help your claim by proving that you did not worsen the damages by postponing treatment.  

2. Call the Police

Even if the crash seems minor, it is essential to call the police. Officers will direct traffic away from the scene to reduce the risk of a subsequent collision. They will also draft an official report, which could serve as a critical piece of evidence in your motorcycle accident claim.

3. Photograph the Scenemotorcycle accident

If you do not require emergency medical care, photograph the scene where the wreck occurred. You should be sure to document the flow of traffic as well as the weather and road conditions in the area. Take pictures of the other damaged vehicles, too, so your attorney can reconstruct the accident.

4. Exchange Contact Information

Record the names and phone numbers of all other motorists and passengers involved. You should also document the license plate and driver’s license numbers, as well as the insurance information of the other drivers. If there were witnesses present, ask for their contact information. Your lawyer may use this to obtain their testimony when building the claim.

5. Call an Attorney

A personal injury lawyer will handle all the logistics of the case so you can focus on recovering. Because there is a limited amount of time to file an accident claim in Massachusetts, call an atto

rney as soon as your health stabilizes. Having an experienced personal injury attorney who will advocate on your behalf, ensure that your legal rights are protected, and seek compensation for you if necessary is essential so that you can recover without added stress.

If you or someone you love has been injured or suffered wrongful death in a motorcycle accident or any other personal injury accident, contact the attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. We have decades of experience fighting for those suffering from personal injuries and ensuring that their rights are protected and that their interests are advocated for. Call today at 617-225-2100 or use our online contact form.

