
At some point, your pet might take antibiotics, antiparasitics, or other medications to fight infection, alleviate pain from inflammation, or treat additional health concerns. Because animals don’t like the unfamiliar taste and texture of medicine, pet owners have to get creative when giving their furry companions pills. Luckily, the staff at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital, a full-service pet hospital caring for animals throughout the Southgate, KY, community, know tricks to make the entire process easier. 

How to Get Pets to Take Their Prescribed Pills

1. Hide Pills in Sticky or Wet Food

pet hospitalIf you mix a pill in an animal’s dry kibble, they can easily move pieces of food to the side to eat around it. Hiding the medication in canned pet food is much harder to detect, as it’s difficult to separate sticky, wet substances. The pungent aroma of sauces and gravies also makes medicine harder to smell. There are pet treats available in flavors animals crave with pockets to conceal oral medication, too.

2. Pretend to Drop Food on the Floor

When putting away groceries and cooking meals, many pets plant themselves by their owner’s side in the hopes of nabbing anything that might drop. You can use the opportunity to trick your four-legged family member into taking medication. A veterinarian at a pet hospital will let you know what human foods are safe for animal consumption. Wrap the pill in a doctor-approved food and then pretend to drop it on the floor. The animal will be so quick to eat the food before you pick it up that they’ll swallow the pill along with it.  

3. Serve the Pill While the Pet Is Distracted

From chasing birds to sniffing every inch of grass, there are plenty of ways to keep pets occupied on daily walks. Use the distractions to get your canine to take pills. Wrap the medication in a snack you can take on the journey. When the dog is looking elsewhere, give them a nudge and offer the treat. They will take it quickly to get back to what they were doing, failing to realize they just took a pill. 

If your dog or cat needs medical treatment or routine checkups, trust the professionals at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital to provide exceptional care to improve their well-being. The staff at this local pet hospital will also share additional tips to make the pill delivery process and application of topical medication more efficient. To learn more about vaccinations, spay and neuter services, surgical procedures, and additional treatments available in Campbell County, call (859)781-1800. Visit the pet hospital online to fill out new patient forms, and stay connected on Facebook for tips to keep your pets healthy. 
