
Everyone can use a little more space. When you have a smaller home, you may need to get creative to maximize the square footage you have to enhance comfort and livability. The home builders at B & D Home Improvement in North Haven, CT, are here to explain how to make a ranch-style house feel spacious.

Home Builders’ Guide to Making a Ranch-Style House Roomy

High Ceilings

When you don’t have width, add height. High ceilings are an excellent way to make a space look bigger by making it appear taller. With more headspace, a small room will also feel less cramped.

Floor-to-Ceiling Windows

home builderWindows are a tremendous asset to any home, adding light and air circulation to the space. Like high ceilings, floor-to-ceiling windows are ideal for ranch-style homes. Not only will the abundance of natural light make the area feel airier, but the tall windows will also draw the eye upward to create the illusion of taller walls.

Open Floor Plan

Traditionally, homes have four walls to create distinct separations between rooms. However, open floor plans with fewer walls are becoming increasingly popular. Open floor plans are minimalistic and sleek, with separate rooms implied — rather than designated by a physical barrier. The open-air layout makes rooms less cramped and the entire house more spacious.

Dark Floors & Light Walls

By painting the walls in light, bright colors, you can make a room appear larger. However, avoid pure white, which can look cold and uninviting. Instead, try a white with a touch of color. You can also incorporate an accent wall to give the space dimension and incorporate additional colors. In contrast to the light walls, a dark floor will make the home appear grounded and warm. Dark floors can also make the walls seem taller.

Whether you’re building a ranch-style home from the ground up or are renovating an existing property, enlist the help of professional home builders like those at B & D Home Improvement. These experienced home improvement contractors will help you maximize your space while enhancing aesthetics and comfort. Call (203) 239-1974 to speak with a friendly staff member or visit the website to learn more about their services.
