

Tip #1: iPhone Repair: Have you ever been told your iPhone can’t be fixed?  


If so, then you might be surprised at what can actually be fixed on your phone.  We at Experimac Bend repair iPhones!

We’ll get the obvious out of the way first:

Screen Repair

  • A new display assembly will fix cracked screens, damaged LCDs, and many touch problems. 
  • The iPhone screen comes as a “display assembly” (screen and LCD).  The LCD is bonded by a very strong adhesive to the glass.  The process of removing the glass from the LCD is very difficult and puts your phone at an unnecessarily high risk of more damage, that is why the display assembly is changed.
  • A trusted repair tech will be open to explaining exactly what they are doing to repair your phone.  
  • There are plenty of videos for you DIY people and an iPhone display assembly is not very difficult repair after some practice and with the right tools.  We highly recommend watching any repair video through its entirety before starting the repair. Each iPhone has it’s tricks of the trade, so be aware of what you are getting into.
  • Also, getting a quality screen is important to accomplishing a successful repair.  Common problems caused by low-quality screens are: no touch response on the screen, flashing or blinking LCD, the screen seems to jump around in use, discoloration, not sitting all the way into the frame of the phone, screen lifting off the bezel.
  • Almost all repair shops use aftermarket displays, which brings the repair price down to a manageable cost.  Not all aftermarket displays are the same and some batches of screens can have issues.  Please use only repair shops that have a warranty.
  • All used iPhones repairs, Experimac Bend would be happy to look at and give you a quote for a repair.  We also offer certified pre-owned iPhones for sale.
  • If you have repaired your phone and are experiencing problems or just have any questions, feel free to call Experimac Bend at 541-797-6863.

