
The pictures taken on your wedding day will follow you around for decades, so having a bright, healthy-looking smile is in your best interest. Fortunately, dentists can help you create a comprehensive treatment plan to give you your best look. Here are three ways dentists can fix your smile for your upcoming nuptials. 

Cosmetic Dentistry to Consider Before Your Wedding

1. Deep Cleanings

When the teeth become laden with plaque, it can harden into tartar that is impossible to remove with a normal toothbrush. Tartar can also make your smile look cakey and unkempt, which is why deep cleanings are important. In addition to having a routine dental cleaning and exam, ask your dentist about a deep cleaning to remove buildup. In addition to making your smile look tidier, they can also improve your breath. 

2. Whitening Your Teeth 

dentistWedding pictures are filled with white, which is why a yellowed smile can stick out. However, you can brighten your smile by working with your dentist. By either using in-office whitening methods or take-home trays, you can take years off of your smile. Dental whitening is fast, effective, and pain-free, making it easy to enjoy a more beautiful smile. 

3. Repairing Chips

Although it might seem difficult to have chips repaired, dentists can use tooth-colored composite resins to create seamless repairs. These resins are matched to the shade of teeth and cured instantly with UV light, giving you a functional, attractive tooth once again. 


If you need to touch up your look before your wedding day, turn to the team at Naas Family Dentistry in Independence, KY. In addition to helping with cleanings, exams, and restorations, this experienced dentist can also help with a long list of cosmetic services, including fillings, stain removal, and orthodontic care. To find out more about how they can help, visit their website or give them a call at (859) 363-9200.
