
According to the American Cancer Society, one in every nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point during their lifetime. While cases of prostate cancer are rare in men under the age of 40, it’s important for males of all ages to embrace positive habits that keep them healthy and reduce the risk of needing to see a urology specialist for treatment. With this in mind, here are a few diet and exercise tips to ensure your prostate remains healthy as you age. 

3 Diet & Exercise Tips for a Healthy Prostate

1. Embrace Selenium-Rich Foods

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that some studies have found can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. To incorporate selenium into your diet, embrace foods like tuna, herring, eggs, garlic, onions, cashews, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds that are naturally rich in this nutrient.

2. Eat Plenty of Fruits & Vegetables

Prostate CancerFruits and vegetables are packed with healthy vitamins, fiber, and nutrients your body craves. They also contain carotenoids, lycopene, indols, and flavonols, known as cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Studies have demonstrated that men who embrace a plant-based diet that’s high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and incontinence. 

3. Stay Physically Active

A myriad of studies conducted between 1976 and 2002 concluded that routine exercise and maintaining a healthy weight could reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Find a physical activity that appeals to you, whether it be running, hiking, biking, or group exercise classes and participate at least three to four times a week. The more in shape you are, the healthier you’ll be in a variety of areas. 


For over 25 years, Medical Center Urology, led by urology specialist Dr. Richard Puschinsky, has been providing residents throughout the greater High Point, NC, area, with individualized, compassionate care. If you have prostate cancer, incontinence, or erectile dysfunction, call this well-respected clinic today at (336) 882-0220 to schedule an appointment. For more information on their comprehensive services and their commitment to providing exemplary care, starting with early detection and effective treatment, visit their website
