
When you’re behind the wheel, your top priority is driving safely to avoid accidents. However, maneuvering around large freight trucks, which need more room to stop and have big blind spots, can be tough and nerve-wracking. How can you share the road safely with these oversized vehicles? Below, the team at Clinch Mountain Transport, a transport company in Thorn Hill, TN, makes a few recommendations.

Keep Their Blind Spots in Mind

When it comes to navigating safely around freight trucks, it’s best to take a proactive approach. Try to remember when you’re in their blind spots and either pull behind or pass them as quickly as possible. As a general rule, the driver can’t see you if their side mirror isn’t visible. If a truck is trying to get around your vehicle, give them room to do so, and leave enough space so they don’t accidentally cut you off. Finally, never pull too quickly in front of them: These large vehicles won’t be able to stop as fast as a passenger car, and they might wind up hitting you or someone else in their effort to react.

Drive With Caution

Atransport companys Thorn Hill’s top transport company notes, it’s crucial to be careful, since no matter how experienced the driver is, freight trucks are still dangerous to operate. Because of all the weight they carry, for instance, it’s common for their tires to blow out suddenly, which will result in the operator needing to navigate safely to the side of the road. Additionally, they make incredibly wide turns and are often forced by their weight to drive at seemingly slow speeds. With these facts in mind, try not to linger around any trucks when you’re on the highway, and give them a wide berth when they’re turning.

At Clinch Mountain Transport, safety has been a top priority for over 25 years. That’s why this transport company is fully licensed and insured and employs only the most experienced drivers to haul your cargo. To learn more about their services, call (865) 767-3610 or visit them online.
