
When mice invade the home, your health and property will be at risk. These pesky rodents carry diseases, get into groceries, and chew holes through the walls and furniture. Here are a few rodent control tips to get rid of them for good. 

Your Guide to Rodent Control

1. Know the Warning Signs

If you have a mice infestation, the signs are usually obvious. They have a predilection for chewing through paperwork, packaged foods, and home insulation. Their droppings produce foul odors, and you may also hear scratching noises through the walls and ceiling. They live up to three years indoors and reproduce rapidly.

2. Set Traps

rodent controlThe most effective way to combat mice on your own is to set traps around the house. Buy them at any home and garden store, and set them in the pantry, closets, and near their nests. Try peanut butter, fried bacon, or chocolate candy as bait. If the traps do not catch mice within a day or two, move them elsewhere in the home. Sprinkle an over-the-counter rodenticide product around the property for an extra measure.

3. Call a Pest Control Company

When home remedies don’t remove mice from the home, get in touch with your local rodent control company. These experts will thoroughly treat the property, including the foundation, crawlspace, attic, and landscaping. They use industry-grade wall void injections to remove the current infestation and prevent future ones from occurring. 


If you have a mouse or rat problem on your hands, Extermination Services in Port Orchard, WA, will remediate it and restore your peace of mind. In addition to rodent control, they offer treatment services for spiders, ants and wasp. Call (360) 895-1890 to book an appointment with their team and visit them online to learn more about their warrantied work. 
