
Flossing your teeth every day is a necessary dental hygiene practice. Yet many parents struggle to convince their children to complete this task, which can lead to poor habits in adulthood, as studies have shown that only 30% of people in the United States actually floss as often as their dentist recommends. To help you explain the benefits of flossing to your children, the dentists from Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, have put together the following guide.

Dental Hygiene Professionals Explain Why Kids Should Floss Daily

1. Better Breath

Bad breath is caused by bacteria, which break down food debris in the mouth. When food becomes trapped between your child’s teeth or in their gum line, brushing may not be able to remove it. Flossing daily will more effectively remove food particles to keep their breath smelling fresh.

2. Disease Prevention

dental hygienePlaque is a colorless film that builds on your child’s teeth and contains millions of bacteria. If not properly cleaned, plaque will eventually harden into tartar, which can also lead to periodontal disease by eroding soft gum tissue. Flossing every day can prevent this from happening.

3. Overall Health

In recent years, researchers have linked periodontal disease to many chronic illnesses, such as heart disease. Bacteria that cause gum disease can find their way into the bloodstream and attach to fatty deposits, resulting in blood clots. To promote better overall health for your children, they should floss at least once per day.

In addition to flossing, your child needs biannual teeth cleanings to maintain optimal dental hygiene. Bring them to the experts at Pediatric Dental Group for their next exam. Serving the community since 1966, these professionals will help your child avoid dental emergencies with regular teeth cleanings and dental exams, and they’ll customize care based on your child’s maturity and emotional needs. To schedule an appointment, call (808) 593-8828 today, and learn more about their services online.
