
The weeks following a house fire are emotionally taxing, but it’s necessary to take the proper steps to put your life back together. If your home was severely damaged by a fire, you may be considering whether to restore or rebuild the house. While this isn’t an easy decision, there are some factors to consider when choosing a demolition or fire restoration services.

Restore or Rebuild? What to Consider

What Does the Fire Department Recommend?

One of the most important steps following a fire is to have a professional home inspection by the fire department. They can assess the extent of the damage and recommend how the property can be restored, or if it’s better to rebuild. Often, an inspector can point out which areas can be restored to their original state.

Is Your Property Historic?

fire restorationIf you live in a historic home or registered landmark, you may be more likely to choose fire restoration. Some homeowners may be eligible for tax credits by restoring a historic site, so speak to your financial advisor about those details. There may also be local ordinances relating to historic sites.

What Is More Cost-Effective?

The decision to rebuild or restore may come down to finances. Consider the cost of fire restoration and demolition services, as well as the cost of additional materials. While the total cost will depend on the extent of the damage, restoration and remodeling are often less expensive than building from scratch. However, if the damage was almost fully destructive, rebuilding may be the better choice.

What Can You Do Within Building Codes & Regulations?

Look into how your local building codes have changed since your home was built. Would you need to make substantial adjustments when rebuilding? You should also look into permits for restoration and rebuilding and consider the cost of each. All of these factors will determine which is best for your finances and specific building type.


By carefully considering your options and following the advice of a home inspector, you can decide whether fire restoration or rebuilding is best for you. If your home has been damaged by a fire, the team at Hudepohl Restoration in Louisville, KY, is here to help you restore it. With over 30 years of experience restoring homes, this local company has the skills and craftsmanship it takes to bring your home back to its original state. For more information on fire restoration and other services, visit their website. You can also call (502) 873-5744 to reach them directly, and connect with them on Facebook.
