
After a long and eventful summer, it’s almost time for another school year to begin. Beyond back-to-school shopping and preparing your children for the social and academic scenarios to come, kids dentists also encourage parents to take a moment to consider oral health and hygiene during this transitional time. If you’re concerned about your child’s teeth, here are a few tips to ensure they enjoy a school year free of cavities and other dental issues. 

4 Tips to Ensure Your Little One’s Mouth Stays Healthy During the School Year

1. Set a Consistent Oral Hygiene Routine

Despite the change in schedule, keep your children on the same oral hygiene routine every morning and evening. As soon as they wake up in the morning, brush and floss your teeth together as a family and perform the same ritual at night. This will ingrain the habit, and it creates an opportunity for family bonding even though they’re away at school during the day. 

2. Limit Sugar Intake

Eating too much sugar can result in tooth decay, painful cavities, and worn down enamel. With this in mind, monitor your child’s intake and make sure treats and desserts are only served on special occasions. To reduce the likelihood of eating sugar at school, pack them a healthy lunch that includes healthy treats like apples or berries. 

3. Incorporate Dairy Into Lunches

Kids DentistCalcium helps strengthen both bones and teeth. With this in mind, incorporate dairy like milk, cheese, and yogurt into your child’s diet. These foods are rich in calcium and tasty options they can enjoy at school. 

4. Schedule Visits With a Kids Dentist

Most importantly, schedule teeth cleaning appointments with a kids dentist every six months. This way, you can catch issues early, reduce plaque and tartar buildup, and check on their overall oral health with a professional. 


Since opening in 2013, Discovery Dental has established a reputation throughout the Eagle River area in Alaska for being a friendly, compassionate kids dentist. If your little one is getting ready to start school and they need teeth cleaning, call the office today at (907) 622-5437 to schedule an appointment. For more information on their bedside manner and how they coach even the most anxious little ones into the dental chair, visit them online.  
