
As a manager, you need to wear many hats and perform numerous different tasks to ensure the workplace runs smoothly. Among other duties, you are responsible for helping your co-workers resolve conflicts. Doing so requires effective leadership, along with a bit of mediation know-how. Below are a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to handling issues.


Remember conflicts will happen.

No matter how harmonious you strive to make your workplace, it’s inevitable that issues will arise. Co-workers can clash over different approaches to a task, opposing points of view, or as a result of spending 40 or more hours a week together. Remember: Effective leadership isn’t about ensuring fights never happen. It’s about making sure they get resolved.

Listen carefully.

effective leadershipWhen you’re approached about a conflict that’s occurring, it’s necessary to examine it from every angle to ensure you solve it fairly. Listen carefully to each side; bring staff members into your office or a quiet space one at a time and let them talk. Ask questions if you’re not sure where they’re coming from and rephrase what they’re saying to make sure you understand.


Get emotional.

If you’re friends with one of the employees involved or have strong feelings about a particular issue, it can be challenging to stay objective. However, if you don’t, others may perceive your decision as taking sides. Remain impartial and explain how the resolution is best for the company and employees.

Minimize others’ feelings.

Even if you don’t think the problem is important and don’t understand why a colleague is so upset about it, it’s crucial not to minimize their emotions. Everyone deserves to feel validated. Implying a co-worker overreacted may undermine their reputation with their colleagues and turn them into a disgruntled employee.


To learn more about conflict resolution and other traits of effective leadership, work with the team at Colorado Leadership Institute, the Denver division of Crestcom International. They will help your workplace be more successful and offer a variety of useful training programs. Crestcom has over 25 years of experience in building today’s leaders in over 60 countries. To learn more about what they offer, call (720) 515-8081, or visit them online for more information about the team.
